======Thank you for visiting wiki.updikeandpotter.com!====== >>@@ {{image url="https://updikeandpotter.com/images/Jennie-Crop.jpg" title="Jennie Sue Potter" alt="Jennie Sue Potter" width="200" class="middle" link="https://updikeandpotter.com/images/Jennie-Crop.jpg" }} **[[JennieSuePotter|Jennie Sue Potter]] and [[FredericCoddingtonUpdike|Frederic Coddington Updike]]** {{image url="https://updikeandpotter.com/images/FredCROPPED2.jpg" title="Frederic Coddington Updike" alt="Frederic Coddington Updike" width="200" class="middle" link="https://updikeandpotter.com/images/FredCROPPED2.jpg"}} @@>>====Getting started and [[Introduction|Introductory Notes]]==== **[[JennieSuePotter|Jennie Sue Potter]]** is our Starting Base Person. Or, use the search feature {{searchform}} Comments are open to the public, so please feel free to add a recollection to any person's page. Inappropriate comments (yes, that's you, spammers!) will be removed. To contribute, sign-up to request editing permissions by emailing [[curator@updikeandpotter.com]]. Due to recent hacking, ironically enough by russian bots, I have closed public sign-up, and one must now request a user name to be able to add or edit any pages. -Thank you for your understanding. ------>>==Keep up-to-date on Wiki Dev==To receive the latest news from the Wikka Development Team, you can sign up to one of the [[https://wikkawiki.org/WikkaMailingLists | Wikka Development Team mailing lists]], or subscribe to the [[https://blog.wikkawiki.org | Wikka Development Team Blog]].--->> >>==Need more help?==Don't forget to visit the [[https://wikkawiki.org | WikkaWiki website]]! Once approved, editors can double-click on any page or click on the **Edit** link in the page footer to get started. If you are not sure how a wiki works, you can check out the [[FormattingRules | Wikka formatting guide]] and play in the SandBox.>> ====Some useful pages==== ~-[[PageIndex | Index of Pages]] ~-[[CategoryCategory | List of Family Categories]] ~-Main Site Home Page: [[https://UpdikeAndPotter.com | UpdikeAndPotter.com]] ~-[[WikkaDocumentation | Documentation]] ---NOTE: --- To see family members who directly relate to that person click the Top Most Name Link, which appears after **""Updike And Potter Wiki : ""** ---You will find more useful pages in the [[CategoryWiki | Wiki category]] or in the PageIndex.--- Last revision 28 Aug 2020